زبانکده بازدید : 321 پنجشنبه 30 شهریور 1391 نظرات (0)


How Girls and Boys Learn Differently

A key to helping your child do better in school is to understand how girls and boys learn differently. As a parent you probably have felt this was true. But now there’s scientific evidence that biology does indeed influence the learning process in elementary, middle and high school classes.

Michael Gurian, a noted educator and author, has shown through research that “hard-wiring and socialized gender differences affect how boys and girls learn.” Simply put, male and female brains are equal but different.......


زبانکده بازدید : 368 پنجشنبه 30 شهریور 1391 نظرات (0)


How Boys and Girls Differ in the Way They Learn

Dr. Lauren Bradway

Boy and girl babies differ from the time they are in the crib. Richard Restak studied these differences in babies from birth to twelve months and published his findings in the now classic book The Brain: The Last Frontier (Grand Central Publishing, 1988). He found that boy babies demonstrate early superiority in visual acuity and possess better spatial abilities in dealing with three-dimensional space. Boy babies also perform better in gross motor body movements. He found girl babies to be more sensitive to sounds (especially their mother's voice) and more attuned to the social contexts of situations (faces, speech patterns and tones of voice). Girl babies speak sooner and develop larger vocabularies..........

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