زبانکده بازدید : 328 پنجشنبه 20 مهر 1391 نظرات (0)


Translation Techniques

by Gabriela Bosco


As somebody who has been translating professionally for over 15 years now, I must confess the topic of Translation Techniques poses somewhat of a challenge; trying to pin down strategies that you use almost intuitively every day of your life becomes a rather difficult task.


That is why I decided to outline a widely-accepted list of translation techniques in the hope that the reader may become interested in knowing a little bit more about translation and its nuances.........

زبانکده بازدید : 1013 پنجشنبه 20 مهر 1391 نظرات (0)


Teaching approaches: the grammar-translation method

By Tim Bowen


At the height of the Communicative Approach to language learning in the 1980s and early 1990s it became fashionable in some quarters to deride so-called "old-fashioned" methods and, in particular, something broadly labelled "Grammar Translation". There were numerous reasons for this but principally it was felt that translation itself was an academic exercise rather than one which would actually help learners to use language, and an overt focus on grammar was to learn about the target language rather than to learn it.......

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this is a weblog for teachers and students of english language it would be my honor to have your ideas thanks
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